Some Helpful Links
Naturopathic Specific
http://collegeofnaturopaths.on.ca/ The regulatory college for Naturopathic Doctors in Ontario
https://www.cand.ca/ The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors
https://oand.org/ The Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors
https://aanmc.org/ The Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges
https://oncanp.org The Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians

Cancer Specific
https://www.naturopathiccancerclinic.com/ Canadian Naturopathic Cancer Clinic
http://www.cancer.ca/ The Canadian Cancer Society
https://www.cancer.org/ The American Cancer Society
https://wellspring.ca/ Wellspring Cancer Support Centres
https://lgfb.ca/en/ Look Good Feel Better Foundation
http://www.cottagedreams.ca/ Cottage Dreams Cancer Recovery Initiative
https://www.cancercare.on.ca/ Cancer Care Ontario
https://www.cancer.gov/ The National Cancer Institute Resource Site
https://www.oncolink.org/ Oncolink Cancer Resource Site
http://www.ontario.canadiancancertrials.ca/ Ontario Cancer Trials clinical trial search
http://prostatecancer.ca/ Prostate Cancer Canada
http://support.cbcf.org/get-support/find-a-support-group/ Breast cancer support groups
https://www.asbestos.com/ Mesothelioma info and support
Other Helpful Links
https://ontariohealthregulators.ca/ Federation of Health Regulatory Colleges of Ontario